Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Support Vehicles Australia (SVA) is a supplier and manufacturer of specialised products and services to the mining & transport industries.
SVA is committed to recognising and managing its impact on society and to seeing that its business activities and those of supplier organisations are undertaken in a socially responsible manner, with transparency and with respect for the human rights of all.
Our company will:
Respect the law, not only locally but nationally and internationally as well.
Honour its internal policies and applicable external standards and codes of practice.
Ensure that all its business operations are legitimate and ethical.
Keep every partnership and collaboration open and transparent.
Business ethics
We will promote:
• The highest standards of ethics and professionalism.
Integrity, sensitivity and fair dealing.
Respect toward the consumer.
Anti-bribery and anti-corruption practices; the avoidance of conflicts of interest.
Governance practices and confidence in our governance systems.
The elimination of anti-competitive practices, money laundering, criminal tax evasion.
The conduct of our business in an open, honest, and ethical manner.
Accountability and Transparency
We strive to:
Be accountable and transparent in our activities and interactions.
Integrate CSR and sustainability principles as a core component of business activity, so that the principles form part of the objectives and decision-making processes of all management and staff at SVA.
Promote the importance of protecting all our human, financial, physical, informational, social, environmental, and reputational assets.
Speak openly and raise concerns without fear of retribution.
Undertake improvement and corrective action where indicated.
Human Rights
We’ll ensure to the best of our ability that:
All people are treated with dignity and respect.
Our supply chain is free of exploitation and human rights abuse. We monitor our suppliers to identify, prevent and mitigate human rights impacts.
Our products do not contribute to human suffering.
We do not tolerate human rights abuses, human trafficking and/or slavery.
We will not engage or be complicit in any activity that solicits or encourages human rights abuse.
Inclusion, Engagement and Diversity
SVA recognises the advantages that accrue from a diverse workforce who are engaged and enabled to interact and perform both internally and externally in line with our values of respect, inclusion, responsibility, excellence and innovation:
We are committed to providing equal opportunity in all aspects of employment and to the avoidance of unfair or illegal discrimination based on race, nationality, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, ancestry, ethnicity, social origin or political beliefs.
SVA pro-actively engages in programmes with Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples to increase understanding and promote opportunities, especially those with a pathway towards employment in our industry.
Health & Safety
SVA is committed to:
Protecting the health and safety of all individuals affected by our activities including our employees, contractors, suppliers, customers, and the public.
Providing a safe working environment including the provision of appropriate personal protection equipment, equipment, and controls.
Providing health and safety training including fostering safe working attitudes having regard to both physical and psychological factors.
Complying with all applicable laws and regulations relating to a safe workplace.
Environment and Sustainability
At SVA we prioritise and promote:
Environmental protection and stewardship, pollution prevention, biodiversity, resource and energy conservation and a sustainable environment.
Socially responsible environmental practices including recycling and controlling emissions; managing and limiting waste outputs, conserving energy and using environmentally friendly technologies.
Understanding of the global impact of climate change.
Supporting the community
Our company prioritises local employment and engages with the community groups:
We provide support to organisations undertaking health research as well as cultural and life-style development in local communities.
We actively support initiatives in those communities where our employees live and work. We encourage our employees to contribute time and energy in leadership and other roles in community organizations.
Stakeholder Relations
Our stakeholders include those closely related to our activities (employees, investors, suppliers and customers) and the wider community:
We will not engage in or tolerate unlawful workplace conduct, including discrimination, intimidation or harassment.
We will not engage in anti-competitive practices or apply trade sanctions or other trade-restrictive controls.
We will not engage in money laundering, criminal tax evasion.
We respect the national and local laws of the countries/states/locations and communities where we operate.
We reject all forms of modern slavery including forced, compulsory and child labour.
We have in place a complaints or grievance reporting process to management with a confidentiality option for use by employees or outside parties so that concerns may be raised without fear of retaliation.
We respect the right of the workforce to freedom of association, trade union membership and collective bargaining.
It is our policy to offer fair remuneration at above award and national minimum standards
We work with our suppliers to help them treat their workers and employees fairly and with dignity and respect, and to maintain safe working conditions.

Support Vehicles Australia is committed being a socially and environmentally conscious company, operating in full compliance with the local laws and regulations regarding the ethical, corporate governance, labor, health and safety, and environmental compliance of the countries/states/locations within which we conduct business.
We will readily act to promote our identity as a socially aware and responsible business.
All employees and contractors have the responsibility and accountability for contributing to our success in implementing this policy.