Site Services

Specialised vehicles require specialised technicians, and SVA can provide the solutions to ensure your support vehicles are always ready to work.
SVA has a specialised field service department of experienced, qualified technicians based out of the Pilbara, significantly reducing site travel times. The Site Services division operates with late model, fully equipped mine spec field service vehicles capable of providing a range of on-site services.
Our services include routine equipment inspections (OEM Inspections), repairs, re-familiarisation training, and fitting for mechanical, hydraulic, and electrical systems and components. These services are not limited to only SVA builds but all repairs and maintenance for water trucks, service trucks, and buckets.
Our capabilities and qualifications include:
Safety trained and safe work procedures
Specialised trade labour
Equipment maintenance
Hydraulic repairs
Mechanical repairs
Electrical repairs
Engineering services
Technical and Spare parts support
Operation and maintenance training

“When we send a technician to site they come with the technical backup of our Perth based engineering team.”
— Dante Travaglini

OEM Inspections
We provide Original Engineering Manufacturing (OEM) Inspections routinely to ensure your equipment is always performing safely and efficiently. Carried out by our own team with expertise knowledge on SVA parts and systems, these inspections can be performed on any of our water cart or service truck modules. OEM Inspections check the performance of:
Hose Reel Condition & Retract Settings
Hydraulic System Checks
Product Flow Rate
Quick Fill System
Overfill Protection Circuits
Filter Condition
Isolation valves
Spray System Operation
Spray Pattern
Cannons & Nozzles
Inspection reports can provide a full breakdown of parts and quotation, and further estimates for repairs can be provided. By reducing the downtime between scheduled maintenance intervals, your equipment can get back to work sooner and safer.
Based in both Perth and the Pilbara, our team of site technicians are ready to take on work all over Western Australia.
Operator and Maintenance Familiarisation Training
SVA provides on-site product training to familiarise site workers with the features and systems of our equipment, enabling them to apply their skills to maintaining, servicing, and repair of SVA modules.
You can expect our training programs to consist of:
System overviews for our hydraulic, electrical, and pneumatic systems
Maintenance review - changing filters, troubleshooting, maintenance schedules, etc.
Practical demonstration
Safe operation of equipment
Familiarisation of module layout and system component locations
Tipping & lifting procedures