HSE Contractor Management Policy
Support Vehicles Australia (SVA) acknowledges that effective contract management occurs when both parties meet their respective obligations as efficiently and effectively as possible, to continually deliver both the business and operational objectives required by the contract.
Both SVA and contractors have a responsibility to comply with all applicable health, safety and environmental legislation and management systems within their retrospective companies in order to drive continual improvement and ensure all workers are safe from harm.
As part of our responsibility, SVA will:
Provide a safe working environment for all contractors and ensure effective supervision and communication about all items such as health, safety and environmental issues and concerns.
Communicate performance, health, safety, and environmental expectations prior to engagement including hazards, risks and controls associated with the work being carried out to ensure they fulfill their legal obligations.
Review contractors’ insurances and health, safety and environmental system and risk assessments and monitor contractors’ health, safety and environmental performance.
All contracting companies must be pre-qualified prior to any works at SVA and provide HSE documentation and insurances relevant to the task planned. SVA expects that all contracting companies (sub-contractors) will:
Comply with all applicable legislation, approvals and permits applicable to the work and shall conduct its activities in a manner consistent with SVA’s policies, procedures, and conduct.
Ensure that all workers are appropriately licensed, qualified, skilled, and experienced to carry out the duties required of them and have been provided the correct equipment such as personal protective equipment (PPE) and other controls to reduce their risk of harm, as documented on their risk assessment.
Ensure prior to the commencement of any work, all workers will have successfully completed the SVA “Health, Safety and Environmental Contractor Induction” and comply with all site requirements such as signing in and out of SVA sites.
Keep accurate, current, and legible evidence to prove compliance with all health, safety and environmental requirements and at the request of SVA shall produce documentary and other evidence to prove such compliance.
Adhere to any reasonable verbal or written direction from SVA relating to their safety or wellbeing.
Report all hazards/incidents to their allocated SVA supervisor or representative and be involved in any incident investigations relevant to their workers and ensure continual improvement.
Ensure that they are fit for work and take reasonable care for their own health and safety, and their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of others.
Ensure they have an effective risk mitigation process to address all potential hazards prior to the commencement of work including hazards emanating from planned or unplanned changes to operations, facilities, equipment, procedures, legislation and processes.
Manage sub-contractors in the same manner as their workers to ensure they comply with all relevant SVA expectations and obligations and legal requirements.
All of us at Support Vehicles Australia take our health and safety responsibilities seriously because we want to go home each night to our families whole and healthy.